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Postpartum Support Virginia in the News!

On July 7, National Public Radio’s Norfolk affiliate, WHRV, devoted an entire hour of Hearsay with Cathy Lewis to discuss perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.  Guest host Kerri Furey — a former television anchor in Norfolk — discussed the intrusive thoughts she experienced as a new mother, saying she imagined that her baby could be carjacked whenever she set at a red light.  Such unsettling thoughts, especially about harm coming to baby, are fairly common among women experiencing PMADs, said Dr. Tina Truman, a psychiatrist and PSVa Board Member.  PSVa Executive Director Adrienne Griffen and board Member Dr. Natasha Sriraman (a pediatrician) were also guests on the show.  Listen to the podcast.

In May, PSVa Board Member Tina Truman and PPD survivor Jenn Picinich  were featured in a recent interview on Virginia Beach’s ABC affiliate WVEC.  They discussed perinatal mood and anxiety disorders  (PMADs), their symptoms, and their prevalence.  KUDOS to Dr. Truman, a psychiatrist specializing in women’s reproductive mental health, for pointing out that it is NOT OK to remain silent about these illnesses.  PMADs affect up to 1 in 5 new or expectant mothers each year, making these illnesses the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth.  In fact, more women experience PMADs each year than are diagnosed with breast cancer.

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