What is Shelane's Fund?

Shelane’s Fund provides grants up to $500 to help new mothers and families overcome postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Funding can be used to cover expenses such as appointments with a therapist or psychiatrist or other birth / postpartum professional.

This fund was created in honor of Shelane Gaydos, a mother of three girls who tragically ended her life while in the grips of severe postpartum depression. 

To see if you are eligible to receive Shelane’s Funds, please connect with a Care Coordinator. 

In 2022 PSVa awarded 50 microgrants in the amount of $18,250.00. This year – in just six months, we have already awarded 65 grants — totaling almost $16,000!

Shelane’s Fund is dangerously low, and we need your support today to continue to provide lifesaving financial assistance for mental health care.

Please support Shelane’s Fund today by donating or registering for Shelane’s Run:
Shelane Gaydos and her children