Volunteer Spotlight: Elaina Rahaman

What is your PSVa story? How did you learn about our organization and why did you become a volunteer?

I have always been passionate about providing holistic care to my patients and their families. I think physical and mental health are intertwined and I love to focus on both in my nursing practice. I find there is a huge gap in healthcare. Healthcare providers are so focused on curing the physical that they forget the impact that is having on a patient/family’s mental health. When PSVa offered in-service training to nurses at the hospital I work at I jumped on the opportunity. After the in-service, I know that I wanted to be more involved with PSVa and bring its amazing support network to my patients in need.

What is your role at PSVa?

I am currently co-leading the NICU support group on Wednesdays.

What do you love most about your role?

I feel so honored to be able to spend an hour a week talking and empowering NICU parents in their journey. My favorite part about co-leading a support group is when a new NICU parent is empowered by us and fellow peers to tackle whatever they need that week; it might be asking the scary questions to nurses and doctors, asking to be more involved with hands-on care, saying no to things that don’t help or maybe just letting go of guilt and taking time for themselves!

What would you say to those who are thinking about  supporting PSVa by becoming a volunteer, or donating to our annual fund?

If you are considering becoming a PSVa volunteer GO FOR IT! There are so many roles at PSVa that you can get involved with. I would strongly encourage you to reach out and tell us a little about yourself and your passions and I am sure you would fit in and bring something unique to a role that you love! If you can’t volunteer but would like to donate to our annual fund, I want you to know we appreciate you and that your donation is directly making an impact in so many people’s lives. It isn’t just the mother that is impacted when she receives support. Your generosity also positively impacts their partner, her child, and her community that also benefits.

What advice would you give to perinatal people and their families?

There are so many things I would love to tell perinatal people and their families, but if I will keep it simple and say “remember the ‘and’ when you are expressing emotions. It is okay to be experiencing more than one emotion and just because this is ‘supposed to be a happy time you can be happy AND be feeling whatever else you want!”

What is your go-to self care routine?

My go-to self-care routine varies depending on what I need at that moment. If I am exhausted from a long shift at work, I love to heat up a lavender flax seed heating pad, get my cooling eye mask on and take a nap. If I need a mood boost, I love to turn on my favorite Spotify playlist and go outside to exercise. Being flexible and listening to your body/mind to find out what needs a little extra love is a beautiful self-care routine.

If you could have lunch with anyone, alive or dead, who would you choose and why?

If I could have lunch with anyone dead or alive, I would love to have lunch with my late grandpa. He had a profound impact on my life growing up and was always a huge supporter of my dreams. He saw the best in me before I could see it in myself, and I would love to have lunch with him to say thank you and tell him I am accomplishing everything we dreamed about.

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